
How to become an environmentally-friendly company?

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Your teams are ecologically aware and you want to become a more environmentally-friendly company? wenabi explains how you can have a positive impact on the planet by engaging your employees!

A company that respects the environment, in other words?

How can a company make a commitment to the planet? By acting on the very governance of its establishment to reduce its CO2 emissions, but also by engaging its stakeholders. Chances are, you're already part of the movement, but you can do even more. Here's how.

The environmental dimension of CSR

There are plenty of examples of corporate commitment to the environment: sorting and reducing waste, adopting clean transport and technologies, innovating to extend product life, working with responsible suppliers and so on.

These are all good things you can do for the planet. To take your approach even further, you can also opt for solidarity actions via the many associations or on the occasion of an event, such as Sustainable Development Week for example.

What is the link between the SDGs and the environment?

The environment is one of the major themes of the Sustainable Development Goals. For the company, five of the 17 objectives to be achieved are essentially linked to the environment:

  • SDG n°6: on sustainable management of water resources.
  • SDG n°9: on sustainable infrastructure and innovation.
  • MDG 12: on responsible consumption and production.
  • SDG n°13: on reducing its carbon footprint.
  • SDG n°15: on preserving and safeguarding ecosystems.

To find out more :

Case studies of companies committed to the environment

Figures on companies that are already environmentally friendly

Our employees' commitment to the environment

  • 72% of companies involve their employees in environmental issues.
  • 8,000 employees mobilized for the environment!
  • 10,000 actions for ecology in 2021 on the wenabi platform.
🧐 In this article, discover examples of companies involved in various causes, including the environment!

Results of wenabi's "First steps for the climate" operation

To mark this month's "First steps for the climate" highlight, wenabi has invited its corporate customers to make a commitment to the planet. The idea is to initiate good ecological practices within the company. Here are the results of this operation:

  • 29 companies activated the collection of missions dedicated to this event (including Manitou Group, Crédit Agricole, Bolloré Groupe, Bouygues, Linkcity, Sanofi).
  • + More than 900 employees have signed up for environmental assignments.
discover how to multiply your csr impact

Missions to get teams involved in environmental issues

Short of ideas on how to get your employees involved? Here are three examples of climate missions that are sure to engage them.

The most popular actions with employees

Wenabi proposed simple and concrete challenges during its "First steps for the climate" operation. Here are the missions that were the most popular with employees:

3 examples of solidarity missions for the planet :

1. Uprooting to make the forest grow, really?

Get out your gloves and spades: withnonprofit Environnement Fausses-Reposes, the Caucasian laurels will have nothing to fear! Your mission? Remove these invasive species that threaten our ecosystem and allow the original species to reclaim their place.

2. Counting birds: ten minutes to save species

What do you do? Count the birds. Use the LPO (Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux) and Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle participatory observatory to learn how to recognize different species. Then sit in your garden, balcony or city park for ten minutes and take action. That's the first step.

3. Biowaste and harvest!

At the Achères urban market garden farm, the vegetables are getting impatient! Shape your calves as you tour the town's restaurants on a bike trailer, and collect bio-waste to feed the compost. All the vegetables have to do is grow.

More ideas?

Looking for more ideas on how to become an environmentally-friendly company? To help you build tomorrow's world together, wenabi offers you 10 more ideas for causes to defend, and a few examples of corporate solidarity actions.

So, what's your challenge?

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