
DuoDay 2024: combining business and disability 



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As Albert Einstein pointed out, "It's easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice." This quote resonates deeply with the aim of DuoDay, which is to break down stereotypes about people with disabilities and foster a more inclusive and equitable society.

Every year, DuoDay strengthens the links between people with disabilities and the world of work. DuoDay is not just a day to raise awareness, but a real demonstration of the skills and talents that people with disabilities can bring to all kinds of companies. The 7th edition of DuoDay will be held on November 21, 2024, and will once again provide an opportunity to change the way we look at disability and overcome prejudice. So, are you up for it?

Duo Day: what exactly is it?

DuoDay is based on a simple but powerful concept: enabling people with disabilities to spend a day working as a duo with a volunteer professional within a company. This experience offers participants the chance to discover a new working environment, acquire new skills, and above all, demonstrate their abilities to potential employers with the aim of securing new professional opportunities. The main aims of the day are to raise awareness of disability in the workplace, and to promote integration and access to employment for the people concerned.

The DuoDay is part of the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities (SEEPH) organized by LADAPT, Agefiph and FIPHFP, which runs from November 18 to 24, 2024. DuoDay will take place on Thursday November 21. Registration will open in June 2024.

A win-win partnership

DuoDay is a real benefit for disabled people taking part. It enables them to work in a face-to-face or remote structure (a company, a nonprofit or an administration) in order to observe an employee's job and take part in his or her daily tasks.

But companies benefit from this initiative too! DuoDay is an opportunity to promote inclusion, diversify their teams and meet new talent. By opening their doors to people with disabilities, companies make a socially responsible commitment while enriching their corporate culture. And for the participating employee, this meeting is a real opportunity for sharing, enriching and stimulating.

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Concrete results

Beyond words and intentions, DuoDay produces concrete, measurable results. Many companies have already testified to the benefits they have derived from taking part in this initiative. Some have recruited participants after discovering their skills during DuoDay, while others have strengthened their policy of inclusion at work by integrating new practices and accommodations to welcome students and workers with disabilities.

In fact, the results of the 2023 operation are edifying: over 13,550 employers registered on the duoday.fr platform and 27,613 duos were registered.

How can you take part in DuoDay?

Here are 5 key steps for participating in the next DuoDay:

  • From August: Identify an internal referent and register the company on the dedicated website. The role of the referent is to manage duo offers, select candidates and coordinate internal teams.
  • In September: Call for volunteers internally to form duos (call via your internal newsletter or by organizing a dedicated presentation webinar).
  • In October: Organize the company to welcome the duos on D-day.
  • November 21: D-Day/ DuoDay.
  • After the event: Promote your teams' participation in DuoDay and present the impact of the day (number of participants, potential recruitments...).

In short, by encouraging the inclusion of people with disabilities, companies can not only meet their legal obligations, but also enrich their corporate culture, stimulate innovation and strengthen their brand image. In 2024, Wenabi and its partner associations are therefore inviting all companies to open their doors and discover the many qualities that people with disabilities have to bring to the professional world!

Thanks to our expertise and our links with the associative world, our team can help you set up DuoDay and other concrete actions linked to the inclusion of people with disabilities, during the SEEPH but also all year round!

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